Sketchnote vs Hubstaff: Which Platform is Right for Your Agency?

What's the right platform for you between Sketchnote and Hubstaff? We've got you covered.

Choosing the right management platform is crucial for the efficiency and success of your agency. Sketchnote and Hubstaff are both powerful tools designed to streamline your operations, but each offers unique features tailored to different needs. In this comparison, we’ll explore what sets Sketchnote apart from Hubstaff, helping you make an informed decision.

Why Sketchnote?

Sketchnote is an all-in-one unified software platform that not only handles agency management but also excels in social media and ad performance management. With its comprehensive suite of tools, Sketchnote ensures you have everything you need in one place to manage tasks, collaborate with your team, and track your agency's performance across multiple channels.

Why Hubstaff?

Hubstaff is mainly a time-tracking and productivity management tool. It offers strong features for monitoring employee activity, managing projects, and ensuring efficient time usage. Hubstaff is ideal for teams that prioritize time tracking and productivity analysis.

A screenshot of Sketchnote's social media creator page
Sketchnote is more attuned to the needs of agencies, including a suite of social media tools to create, schedule, and analyze your posts online

Key Features Comparison

Feature Sketchnote Hubstaff
Agency Management Yes Yes
Time Tracking Yes Yes
Social Media Management Yes No
Ad Performance Management Yes No
Task and Subtask Management Yes Yes
Custom Fields Yes Yes
Multiple Views List, Kanban, Calendar, Document, Gantt, Embed List, Kanban
Client Approvals Yes No
Team Collaboration Integrated Chat Basic Communication
Forms Yes No
Data Insights Advanced Analytics Basic Reporting
AI-Powered Features AI Task Creator, AI Assistant, AI PDF Reader No
Custom Templates Yes No
Automations Yes (start/stop timers, create subtasks) Yes (basic automations)
Invoicing Yes Yes
Workload Planner Yes Yes

Sketchnote: The Complete Solution for Modern Agencies

Sketchnote stands out with its robust set of features that cater to the diverse needs of modern agencies. The platform’s integration of social media and ad performance management tools ensures you can handle all your marketing efforts within the same system. This unique capability allows for better coordination and comprehensive performance tracking across different campaigns.

In addition, Sketchnote’s advanced AI-powered features, such as the AI Task Creator and AI Assistant, helps speed up your task execution and content creation, allowing your team to focus on more strategic activities. The multiple view options (list, kanban, calendar, document, Gantt, and embed) offer flexibility in managing projects and tasks according to your team’s preferences.

A screenshot of Sketchnote's analytics hub home page that has multiple clients on it
Sketchnote's ad performance analytics tool also allows agencies to stay on top of their clients' ad spends and quality

Hubstaff: Time Tracking and Productivity Management

Hubstaff works best for time tracking and productivity management, making it a valuable tool for teams that need to monitor and optimize their work hours closely. With features like activity reports, screenshots, and GPS tracking, Hubstaff provides an understanding of how time is spent within the organization.

While Hubstaff offers essential project management tools, it lacks the integrated social media and ad performance management capabilities that Sketchnote provides. For agencies looking to streamline their marketing and management efforts, this could be a significant drawback.

Sketchnote: The Superior Choice for Comprehensive Agency Management

When it comes to choosing a management platform for your agency, Sketchnote emerges as the superior option. Unlike Hubstaff, which focuses primarily on just time tracking and productivity, Sketchnote offers a holistic solution that encompasses a wide array of features tailored to the diverse needs of modern agencies. Here are the key features that make Sketchnote the better choice:

Integrated Social Media Management

Sketchnote provides robust social media management tools that allow agencies to schedule, publish, and analyze social media posts across multiple platforms. This integration streamlines your social media efforts, saving time and ensuring consistency across all channels, a feature Hubstaff lacks entirely.

Advanced Ad Performance Management

With Sketchnote, you can track and optimize your advertising campaigns within the same platform. Detailed analytics and performance reports help you make data-driven decisions to enhance the effectiveness of your ads on both Meta and Google. Hubstaff does not offer any ad performance management tools, making Sketchnote a more comprehensive solution.

A screenshot collage of Sketchnote's time tracking tools. Timesheets are in the background with the time tracking widget on in the foreground
Sketchnote—naturally—also has a robust time-tracking tool that lets you stay on top of your agency's internal tasks and time spent on them

AI-Powered Automation

Sketchnote leverages artificial intelligence to help ease out your tasks. Features like the AI Task Creator and AI Assistant help streamline workflows, improve efficiency, and reduce manual work. The AI QueryBot also allows you to make short work of having to read through lengthy PDFs your agency receives, allowing you to ask questions to your local files, easily. These advanced capabilities are not available in Hubstaff, giving Sketchnote a significant edge.

Flexible Project Management Views

Unlike Hubstaff, Sketchnote offers multiple views for managing projects and tasks, including list, kanban, calendar, and document views. This flexibility allows teams to choose the view that best suits their workflow, enhancing productivity and project oversight. Hubstaff’s views are more limited, which can restrict how teams manage their projects.

Comprehensive Client and Team Collaboration

Sketchnote includes features such as client approvals, integrated chat, and forms, facilitating seamless collaboration with both clients and team members. These tools ensure that everyone is on the same page and that projects progress smoothly. Hubstaff, while offering basic communication tools, lacks the depth and integration found in Sketchnote.


In summary, Sketchnote stands out as a superior agency management platform due to its comprehensive feature set that goes beyond time tracking to include social media and ad performance management, AI-powered automation, flexible project views, and robust collaboration tools. While Hubstaff excels in time tracking and productivity management, Sketchnote offers a more holistic solution that addresses the multifaceted needs of modern agencies, making it the better choice for those seeking a unified and efficient management platform.

Choosing between Sketchnote and Hubstaff ultimately depends on your agency’s specific needs. If you require a unified platform that covers a wide range of management and marketing functions, Sketchnote is the superior choice.

Ready to transform your agency’s workflow? Try Sketchnote today and experience the difference a unified platform can make!

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