Sketchnote vs Proofhub: Which platform does your agency go with?

When it comes to the best agency management tool, there can only be one winner

Choosing the right agency management tool can make or break your agency's efficiency. Both Sketchnote and Proofhub offer robust solutions for managing projects, but they cater to different needs. Let’s dive into the key differences to help you decide which platform suits your agency best.

Sketchnote: All-in-One Platform for Modern Agencies

Sketchnote is a unified software platform designed specifically for agencies. It combines project management with powerful ad performance and social media management tools, offering a complete suite for today’s digital landscape. Whether you're managing client projects or tracking the effectiveness of your ad campaigns, Sketchnote ensures everything is under one roof.

Key Features:

  • Project Management: Multiple views (List, Kanban, Calendar, Document), tasks, subtasks, custom fields, time tracking, and more.
  • Ad Performance Management: Connect Meta Ad Manager and Google Analytics, track and analyze ad campaigns, and generate detailed reports.
  • Social Media Management: Schedule posts, manage multiple social accounts, and track engagement metrics all from one platform.
  • Agency Management Tools: Client approvals, AI-driven insights, forms, invoices, and workload planner.
A screenshot of Sketchnote's social media management feature
Social media management tools are a must-have for agency management tools these days, and Sketchnote has you covered

Proofhub: Streamlined Project Management

Proofhub is a project management tool that simplifies collaboration and keeps your team organized. It offers essential features that help teams plan, collaborate, and deliver projects on time. However, it lacks the specialized tools for ad performance and social media management, which can be a limitation for agencies heavily involved in digital marketing.

Key Features:

  • Project Management: Custom workflows, Gantt charts, time tracking, and task management.
  • Collaboration: Built-in chat, discussions, and file sharing for seamless communication.
  • Reporting: Basic project reporting and custom roles for team management.
  • Proofing: Online proofing tools for reviewing and approving designs and documents.

Sketchnote vs. Proofhub: Feature Comparison

Feature Sketchnote Proofhub
Project Management ✔️ Advanced (Multiple Views, Automations) ✔️ Comprehensive
Ad Performance Management ✔️ Included ❌ Not Available
Social Media Management ✔️ Included ❌ Not Available
Client Approvals ✔️ Integrated ✔️ Available
AI-Powered Features ✔️ AI Task Creator, AI Insights ❌ Not Available
Collaboration Tools ✔️ Chat, Forms, Document Sharing ✔️ Chat, Discussions, File Sharing
Time Tracking ✔️ Integrated ✔️ Available
Custom Templates ✔️ Available ❌ Not Available
Invoicing ✔️ Included ❌ Not Available

Why Sketchnote Outshines Proofhub for Agencies

Sketchnote is designed to meet the complex needs of modern agencies, going beyond traditional project management to offer a comprehensive suite of tools that Proofhub can’t match. Here’s why Sketchnote is the superior choice for agencies looking to streamline their operations and maximize efficiency.

Integrated Ad Performance Management

One of Sketchnote’s standout features is its integrated ad performance management tool. Agencies can connect their Meta Ad Manager and Google Analytics accounts directly within Sketchnote, allowing them to track, analyze, and optimize ad campaigns without switching platforms. This feature is a game-changer for agencies focused on digital marketing, a capability that Proofhub lacks entirely.

Robust Social Media Management

Sketchnote also excels in social media management, providing a centralized platform for scheduling posts, managing multiple social accounts, and analyzing engagement metrics. This functionality is crucial for agencies managing clients’ social media presence, giving Sketchnote a significant edge over Proofhub, which doesn’t offer social media management tools.

A screenshot of Sketchnote's ad analytics manager
Sketchnote's ad performance analytics section allows you to track your clients' ads on Meta as well as Google

AI-Driven Insights and Automation

Sketchnote’s AI-powered features take project management to the next level. With tools like the AI Task Creator and AI PDF Reader, agencies can automate routine tasks, streamline workflows, and gain deeper insights into project data. These AI capabilities help agencies work smarter, not harder—something that Proofhub doesn’t offer.

Comprehensive Agency Management Tools

Beyond project management, Sketchnote provides a suite of tools designed specifically for agencies, including client approvals, invoicing, and workload planning. These features help agencies manage their entire business operations from a single platform, whereas Proofhub focuses primarily on project collaboration and lacks these critical agency-specific tools.

A screenshot of Sketchnote's file view
Sketchnote's robust agency management capabilities are the cherry on the cake for agency needs

Conclusion: Sketchnote Delivers More Value for Agencies

While Proofhub offers solid project management features, Sketchnote goes beyond by integrating ad performance management and social media management, essential tools for agencies in the digital age. Sketchnote’s comprehensive suite of tools ensures that your agency can manage everything from projects to digital marketing campaigns in one place, making it the ideal choice for modern agencies.

Ready to transform your agency’s workflow? Try Sketchnote today and experience the difference a unified platform can make!

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