Sketchnote vs. Basecamp: Which Platform is Best for Your Agency?

It's Sketchnote vs Basecamp to determine which tool suits your needs the best.

Choosing the right platform for your agency can make all the difference in productivity and client satisfaction. Sketchnote and Basecamp are two popular options, but how do they stack up against each other? Let's delve into their features, strengths, and unique offerings to help you make an informed decision.


Sketchnote is a unified software platform designed to help agencies manage social media, ad analytics, and overall agency operations seamlessly. With its comprehensive suite of tools, Sketchnote is built to enhance productivity and provide valuable insights.

Basecamp is a well-known project management tool that focuses on collaboration and task management. It offers a simple and straightforward approach to organizing projects and communicating with team members.

A screenshot of Sketchnote's Kanban view on a file
Move over rigid views for agency and project management and embrace more practical task-based views on Sketchnote

Key Features Comparison


  • Social Media Management: Schedule, publish, and analyze social media posts across popular platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and X (formerly Twitter).
  • Ad Performance Management: Track and optimize ad campaigns to ensure the best ROI for your clients, on Meta Ad Managers, and Google Ads coming soon.
  • Agency Management Tools: Streamline operations with tools designed for project management, client communication, and team collaboration.
  • Comprehensive Analytics: Detailed reports and insights to measure performance and make data-driven decisions.


  • Project Management: Organize tasks, projects, and deadlines.
  • Team Collaboration: Communicate with team members through message boards, group chats, and file sharing.
  • Task Assignments: Assign tasks to team members and track their progress.
  • Client Access: Provide clients with access to specific projects and updates.

Detailed Comparison

Feature Sketchnote Basecamp
Social Media Management Yes No
Ad Performance Management Yes No
Project Management Yes Yes
Team Collaboration Yes Yes
Client Access Yes Yes
Task Assignments Yes Yes
File Sharing Yes Yes
Analytics & Reporting Detailed analytics and insights Basic progress tracking
Analytics and Reporting Detailed analytics and insights Basic progress tracking
AI enabled Three tools to speed up your work Limited scope
A screenshot of Sketchnote's list social media dashboard
For marketing agencies, Sketchnote is the perfect choice, given the new social media management view that will allow them to schedule and analyze posts across websites

Why Choose Sketchnote?

Sketchnote stands out for agencies that require advanced tools for social media management and ad performance tracking. With its comprehensive analytics and user-friendly interface, Sketchnote helps agencies stay ahead of the competition by providing all the necessary tools in one platform.

Benefits of Sketchnote:

  • Enhanced Social Media Management: Manage multiple social media accounts, schedule posts, and analyze engagement all in one place.
  • Optimized Ad Performance: Track ad campaigns' performance and make data-driven decisions to maximize ROI.
  • Integrated Agency Management: From client communication to team collaboration, Sketchnote covers all aspects of agency management.
  • Detailed Reporting: Generate comprehensive reports to measure success and improve strategies.

Why Sketchnote Outshines Basecamp for Agencies

Choosing the right tool for your agency is crucial for maintaining efficiency and delivering top-notch services to your clients. While both Sketchnote and Basecamp offer valuable features, Sketchnote provides a more comprehensive and specialized solution for agencies. Here’s a closer look at why Sketchnote stands out.

Social Media Management

Sketchnote's robust social media management tools allow agencies to schedule, publish, and analyze posts across multiple platforms. This feature ensures that your social media presence is consistent and impactful, something Basecamp doesn’t offer.

Ad Performance Management

With Sketchnote, agencies can track and optimize ad campaigns in real-time, ensuring the best return on investment for their clients. This advanced feature is absent in Basecamp, giving Sketchnote a significant edge for marketing-focused agencies.

A screenshot of Sketchnote's analytics KPI page
Sketchnote has the added benefit of an ad performance analytics view, that will allow agencies to not just track their clients' ad reports, but also their own

Comprehensive Analytics

Sketchnote provides detailed analytics and reporting tools that help agencies measure performance and make data-driven decisions. Basecamp’s basic progress tracking falls just short of the in-depth insights Sketchnote offers.

Agency Management Tools

Sketchnote integrates all necessary tools for project management, client communication, and team collaboration in one platform. This seamless integration streamlines operations, unlike Basecamp, which lacks specialized agency management features.

Multiple AI Tools

Sketchnote stands out with its suite of AI tools, including an AI bot, AI task generator, and AI PDF chat, which streamline workflows and enhance productivity. These advanced features are not available in Basecamp, giving Sketchnote a significant advantage in leveraging AI for agency operations.

Customizable Workflows and Multiple Views

Sketchnote allows for customizable workflows—including multiple views inside the same file—tailored to an agency’s specific needs, enhancing productivity and efficiency. Basecamp’s more rigid structure doesn't offer the same level of flexibility.

Superior time tracking

Sketchnote excels in time tracking with its active timer feature, which tracks work in real-time, providing accurate and immediate insights into how time is being spent on various tasks. This contrasts sharply with Basecamp, where users must manually input the number of hours spent on a task, a process prone to errors and inefficiencies.


Sketchnote is better for agencies due to its specialized tools for social media management, ad performance tracking, detailed analytics, customizable workflows, and robust client communication. These features provide a more integrated and efficient solution compared to Basecamp.


For agencies looking to enhance their operations and deliver superior services to their clients, Sketchnote offers a comprehensive and specialized platform that far exceeds what Basecamp provides. From managing social media to optimizing ad performance and streamlining client communication, Sketchnote equips agencies with the tools they need to succeed in today’s competitive market. Embrace the power of Sketchnote and transform your agency’s workflow and productivity.

Ready to elevate your agency's performance? Try Sketchnote today and experience the difference for yourself.

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